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What to Do with Leftovers in Bear Country?

When you’re out exploring the great outdoors in bear country, it’s important to remember that bears have an exceptional sense of smell. This means that even the tiniest hint of food can attract them to your campsite. To ensure the safety of both yourself and the bears, it’s crucial to know what to do with leftovers in bear country. In this article, we will explore some practical tips and guidelines to help you properly handle your leftovers while enjoying your time in bear country.

Store Food Properly

One of the most important things you can do to prevent bear encounters is to store your food properly. When you’re finished with a meal, make sure to clean up any food scraps or leftovers thoroughly. Pack them away in airtight containers or sealable bags. This will help minimize any lingering odors that could attract bears to your campsite. Remember, bears have an extraordinary sense of smell, and even the faintest scent can lead them straight to your leftovers.

Keep Food Away from Sleeping Areas

It’s also essential to keep your food away from your sleeping areas. Avoid storing food inside your tent or near your sleeping bag. Instead, find a designated food storage area that is at least 100 yards away from where you’ll be sleeping. This distance will help ensure that bears are not tempted to come near your sleeping quarters in search of a tasty treat.

Hang Your Food

One effective way to keep your leftovers safe from bears is to hang your food from a tree branch. Using a bear-resistant food storage bag or a bear-proof container, hoist your food high up in the air, at least 10 feet off the ground and 4 feet away from the trunk of the tree. This method makes it difficult for bears to access your food and reduces the risk of them becoming accustomed to human food sources.

Burn or Bury Leftovers

If you have small amounts of leftovers that you’re unable to pack out, consider burning or burying them. Burning your leftovers in a campfire can help mask the scent and ensure that bears are not attracted to your campsite. However, be sure to check and follow any fire regulations or restrictions in the area you’re visiting. If burning is not an option, burying your leftovers in a deep hole away from your campsite can also be effective.

Avoid Feeding Wildlife

While it may be tempting to share your leftovers with the local wildlife, it’s important to resist the urge. Feeding wildlife, including bears, can create dependence on human food and increase the likelihood of dangerous encounters. Remember, the goal is to keep both you and the bears safe. Enjoy observing wildlife from a distance and let them forage for their natural food sources.


When it comes to handling leftovers in bear country, the key is to be proactive and responsible. By properly storing your food, keeping it away from sleeping areas, and using techniques like hanging, burning, or burying leftovers, you can greatly reduce the risk of attracting bears to your campsite. Remember to always follow local regulations and guidelines to ensure the safety of both yourself and the bears. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy your time in bear country while minimizing the chances of any unwanted encounters.

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